Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016

Always be remember our history for continuing our future

Message  for Tonan  Lutheran Church, Tokyo, Japan    Nov. 9, 2014
By Eunike Widhi Wardhani, Indonesia

Therefore all things whatever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets (Matthew 7: 12).

General Information about Indonesia and Java
Indonesia has 17,000 large and small islands between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean and is separated into 35 provinces.  Very rich in cultural diversity, ethnicity and language, nearly 90% of Indonesians are Muslim and 10% are non-Muslims. The Protestant Christian people are 6.96%, Catholics are 2.9%, while the rest are Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian and other religions.

Java Island is the 5th largest island of Indonesia and is the center of THE government, economy and industry as well as having the densest population in Indonesia. In Java there are 6 provinces, one of those is Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta which is also the capital country of Indonesia. Central Java is one of the provinces on the Java Island, which is the  area of Trukajaya Christian Foundation, my (Eunike’s) sending body which sent me as a participant to the Asian Rural Institute in 2014.
Briefly Profile of Trukajaya
Trukajaya Christian Foundation was established 1966 by the Synod of Javanese Christian Churches, a member of WCC (World Council of Churches).  The Vision is to empower the people as a reflection of compassion toward others.  We do this by Creating a sustainable service for the community’s empowerment by partnering with the churches to help people achieve food sovereignty as well as help develop social diaconal programs based on people's potentials.
This can develop independency which will help to realize  justice for the poor as well.  The poor are inclusive of women, youths, and farmers in rural areas.  They will receive justice through producing and managing their food. 

We also are working to develop the ecosystem, integrating rice fields, forests, and other critical areas to make productive soil, this also through the development of environmentally friendly technologies and farming methods.  We hope in the long run this will develop a social justice system in food management, in normal conditions or as a local disaster prevention and the development of social entrepreneurship units.

My role in my sending body and community
13 years ago I joined this institution.  From 2001- 2009 I was field worker in several villages. My main responsibility was assisting several villages in grant program follow ups.
During 3 years I stayed fully in a village that has a history of conflicts of land being transferred by the government  to others in order for a big dam construction project as a resource of electricity supply to occur. For the first time in my life, I learned about the struggles of farmers and their families who lived on the land they used to own, but now the status of that land is inundation  lands

(in a simple meaning is: they still may work on that rice fields, but if at any time the water outlet door is opened by the project management, then the water inundates the land, the farmers do not have the right to protest, they are not the owner of the land anymore, the land owner is the project management). They are marginalized people.

I was there on behalf of Trukajaya as a rural development worker in the various programs dealing with water, sewage, farming and credit for small business development. I started by building communication activities with the village government and several community leaders, both in formal meetings and informal discussions then I proceeded to the stage of the formation of groups, activity planning, implementation and monitoring. After getting married and having children, since 2006 until now I could not stay together with my community fully but only commuted.

Then from May – August 2008 Trukajaya gave me a special duty to help initiate a program of organic farming in Titian Budi Luhur Foundation (Y-TBL) Sulawesi, This led be to becoming the Program and Training Manager of Trukajaya from 2009.  I managed the programs, field worker activities and also facilitated  joir programs between Trukajaya and partners. 
そして財団は、2008年の5月から8月の間、スラウェシのティティアン ブディ ルハール財団(Y-TBL)で有機農業事業の着手を援助するという特別な責任を私に与えました。このことが、2009年から財団の、事業及び研修責任者になることに結びつきました。事業計画や現地ワーカーの活動や財団とその提携先とによる青少年事業などに携わりました。

From 2011 to the present  I am a Food Security Program Coordinator of Trukajaya. My main responsibilities are managing the Food Security Program in the Trukajaya, in which I work in 7 villages with farmer groups, women's groups and youth groups.  I have to continue to encourage rural people to find their potential to develop their villages to be better while respecting nature.

How will I utilize the lessons of ARI in my community?
The Daily activities at ARI (attached) is an important lesson for me about servant leadership, time management and building teamwork in managing crops and livestock.  Many other subjects ranging from Japanese language for self introduction, the theory and practice of sustainable agriculture, up to watching and discussing films about the history of leader figures in the world: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King Junior. 
ARIの日常の活動は、仕える指導者、時間管理そして作物や動物の管理のためのチームワークを作ることなど、私にとって大切な学習でした。自己紹介のための日本語、永続性のある農業の理論と実践、世界の指導者の歴史;マハトマ ガンジー、ネルソン マンデラ、マザーテレサそしてマーチン ルサー キング ジュニア―等の映像を見て、議論するなど他にも多くの科目があります。

In addition to receiving knowledge from lecturers / teachers, we are also given the opportunity to share knowledge that we have brought from our own countries. So for my part, coming as a Food Security program officer, I shared about how to make tempe (a traditional food from Indonesia, made from soybeans and yeast).

In discussions during the application process before I came to ARI, I had a big question: why do the people in the rural areas, especially farmers in my country remain poor even though the government has worked for development with the farmers and  rural areas? I'm looking for the answer from the overall activity in ARI.

During the training of these past 5 months, I gained a lot of learning through the experiences of colleagues from various countries in Asia and Africa, as well as teachers from Japan and other countries who are deliberately brought by ARI to share experience in rural community development topic.

When I return home, I hope to share the experience of the training in the following manner:
  1. I will organize all the material learning (hand out, note and documentations into a group of modul consisting of: leadership, community development, rural development strategy, philosophy-farming techniques and movement, alternative education, environment-life and culture, gender and food security.  
  1. I will make a schedule for the sharing and discussion of the moduls with my communities村の人々と、分かち合いと議論の進め方の計画を立てる。
  2. Of course,  the situation and context of Japanese agriculture is different from what can be practiced precisely in Indonesia, for that I will empower my community to find a suitable alternative application for the conditions and the nature of Indonesian society.

I hope the spirit of sharing and new ideas then will come from the community, so that they can identify problems.  They still remain as heroes of food security for our country and by increasing the productivity of the land and their labor life will become better and we can get an answer to the question of why poor farmers remain poor.

Do Our Best
Servant Leadership is the foundation of Christian leadership that has been taught by Jesus Christ. In addition, many servant leadership figures in the Old Testament such as Moses, King David, King Solomon, Ezra, Nehemiah and many more who later became our role model in leading community or organizations including church that belongs to God.

As a common human, the leader is not a perfect person because no one is perfect but Him. But they did an important movement and remembered for all time as a leader of serve character.

Since the beginning of the establishment of the church, Jesus Christ prepares the next leader from generation to generation. For inclusion of God and the holy spirit, the church continued to grow and was never deterred by age. It was already stated in Colossians 1: 25.
The presence of ARI is also a part of the history of Christianity in Japan. Rev. Toyohiko Kagawa leadership story of his life and his spirit became a role model and famous arrived in Indonesia forwarded by church leaders in Japan. In Nishinasuno, founding ARI in 1973 led by the Nishinasuno Church pioneered by Mr. Tajima since 1891 then forwarded by Rev.Haruo  Fukumoto with Dr. Takami.
Passing the different period  and time, but they all hold the same vision to brighter the world. Until now ARI had 1,272 graduates in 55 countries. This school is unique, just the only one in the world and nothing compare to this school. I am grateful to be a part of this training. I came to Japan on behalf of institutions and rural communities in Indonesia as friends from Asia, Africa and Latin America. I want to learn at ARI on how farmers could rise from poverty.

The best possible way is to give and do our best for the community we are working with. They are entitled to get our best quality of service, not second quality, third quality or later. But only number 1/best quality. That’s why I am here now as a participant in ARI, to learn more about servant leadership for my community back home.

Best Regards,

Eunike Widhi Wardhani

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